Transitional Period Top Priorities and Urgent Needs Program

The Sudan uprising of December 2018 turned into a political and social revolution, which began with overthrowing the regime on April 11th 2019, to embrace an envisioned modern Sudan whose slogan (Freedom, Peace, and Justice), One which is founded on science, rationality, democracy and development, within the framework of cultural, ethnic, gender, linguistic and religious diversity.

We are now on the verge of building a modern Sudan and establishing a new system based on democratic development and a civil state; it is our duty to contribute to this goal through supporting the Alternative Policies Project with detailed scientific and practical programmes. We hope that it would help in laying a strong foundation for Sudan, to step on the path of democracy, stability, justice and development.



This Programme is one of a series of specialized programmes that have covered the main work priorities of the transitional government. It was organized in the same format, with the participation of specialists in the field, representing governmental, non-governmental and academia & research sectors.

We are now on the verge of building a modern Sudan and establishing a new system based on democratic development and a civil state; it is our duty to contribute to this goal through supporting the Alternative Policies Project with detailed scientific and practical programmes. We hope that it would help in laying a strong foundation for Sudan, to step on the path of democracy, stability, justice and development.


The Programme was divided into seven themes that are falling under the concept of urban development. The main objective was to identify the urgent action priorities, for each theme, and to come up with recommendations for remedial solutions, to be followed during the first six months of the transitional period. The workshop also aimed to set the features for medium and long-term plans, which are able to pave the way for removing the effects of political corruption and mismanagement, practiced by the previous regime.

Urban Planning
  • National Comprehensive Planning.
  • Governance.
  • Land Issues.
  • Informatics and databases.
  • Resilience and Disaster Risk Management.
  • Laws and regulations.
  • Financing.
  • Environment.
Housing & Construction
  • Organize Housing & Construction Sector (Institutionalization in the housing and construction sector).
  • Achieving social Justice in the housing and construction sector at a national level (housing is a right not a privilege).
Land Transportation & Rail
  • The revision of laws and regulations
  • Reviewing administrative structures and work systems and regulations.
  • Supporting and organizing the public transportation sector.
  • Maintaining the rail network and raising its efficiency.
  • Sound plans that support sustainable development.
  • Establishing a modern and integrated network of railways.
  • Review and formulation of laws, regulations and organization systems for the aviation sector.
  • Development of infrastructure for air navigation and airports.
  • Restructuring of the aviation sector.
  • Improving civil aviation infrastructure and information technology systems.
  • Review and formulation of a comprehensive civil aviation sector strategy.
  • Raising economic, technical and operational efficiency of service providers and national airline companies.
  • Enhance coordination between civil aviation and related organizations of the State.
  • Review the charges of airports, airfields, air navigation services and the cost of aviation services and fuel.
  • Reformation and rehabilitation of Sudan Airways.
Water Transport
  • Restructuring: River and Maritime Transport.
  • Rehabilitation and Upgrading of existing infrastructure.
  • Fighting Corruption.
  • Localization of Technology.
Water Utilities and Drainage
  • Urgent Interventions.
  • Raising Awareness.
  • Financing.
  • Studies, Planning and specifications.
Roads, Bridges & Traffic Engineering
  • Efficiency and continuity of financing.
  • Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation.
  • Institutional Structures between Different Levels.
  • Laws and Regulations.
  • Develop Strategies and Plans.