IDPs in Darfur are estimated at 250,000 inhabitants. LABINA project aims to contribute to the stability and resilience of IDP community of south Darfur at large and the communities in Mershing and Bilel in specific, by performing capacity building initiatives for both public officials, and for IDPs community themselves to enable them to collaboratively rebuild settlements in an innovative, environmental-friendly and contextually-sensitized manner. The ultimate goal is to train the beneficiaries to deliver Sustainable Eco-Friendly and Low Cost buildings.

LABINA was originally initiated by the Ministry of Infrastructure to be led by the NSIF with the assistance of SUDTT having the pool of expertise required to prepare the call for proposals and assist in managing and directing the project to achieve the set goals.

To reach its goals the below activities summarize the deliverables of the project:

  • Socio-cultural study.
  • Geological study and analysis (available geotechnical maps specifically related to the locality in an agreed offset of no of kms from the intended project location).
  • Locality Re-planning: study current situation, refer to socio cultural study feedbacks, involve community..etc.
  • Building Materials study: availability, environmental impact, alternative materials for the corresponding components (wall, floor, roof),required tools/equipment and plan of availing same.

  • Vocational training: specifically designed program to enable IDPs to get trained on the adopted construction technology, materials selected, materials productions..etc