Road Map Programme

The Roadmap to Sudan Urban Development Initiative was launched in 27th of April 2019 shortly after the beginning of the peaceful uprising in Sudan that deposed President Omar el-Bashir after 30 years in power. It was launched as one of 9 thematic initiatives which branched from the University of Khartoum Engineers Association and the Sudanese Professional Association.

Roadmap brought together a caliber of over 100 Sudanese architects, engineers and urban planners to work on voluntary basis with the aim to develop a comprehensive roadmap for Sudan Urban Development, Define and tackle current challenges, and play an advisory role for the new interim government. Towards this goal, Roadmap has played a vital role in drafting the Interim’s government’s Emergency Programme for the Urban development, Infrastructure and Transport Sectors and continued thereafter working closely with related ministries and government entities. 

In February 24, 2001 and after the official validation of its internal bylaws upon which the Sudan Urban Development Think Tank Organization (SUDTT) was established to give a more sustainable body to the initiative with an extended mandate. The Roadmap became a programme operating under SUDTT’s Leadership assuming a more dedicated role toward strengthening government entities in developing strategies and policy frameworks, capacity building and in designing and implementing transformational change programmes, projects and plans.


What we do

Through a collaborative approach, Roadmap guides and assist government entities in achieving transformation to deliver tangible and meaningful results from strategic alignment to implementation, providing support in building institutional capabilities, developing policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, and building resilience.

The programme aims to achieve this through:

  • Assist in building partnership and alignment among stakeholders from the public and private sectors, academia, research and NGOs.
  • Co-formulate plans /projects to achieve the desired objectives.
  • implement plans/projects and raise funds from international organizations and others
  • support implementing organizational/institutional reforms through creating capacity building opportunities and projects.
  • Assist in brining-in technical support from local/international institutes and organizations.
  • Raising funds from donor organizations to implement plans/projects.
  • Create capacity building opportunities and projects to support the implementation of the plans/ projects.
  • Co-monitoring the progress of related projects and activities/