Institutional Transformation Programme

The Ministry of Infrastructures and Transportation and the Ministry of Urban Development, Roads and Bridges are the federal ministries with executive authority over the formulation and administration of rules, regulations and laws relating to Transportation, Urban Development, Physical Planning, Housing, Infrastructure, National Highways and Roads. they currently have thirteen central administrative units under their leadership.

In 2019, The economic and health crises triggered the rising calls for change and reform which mounted to the peaceful revolution which toppled off the former regime. Upon the establishment of the Sudan Interim government, it became ever more important that the government should be efficient and effective. As such, reform becomes necessity, not a choice.

Phase 1 Capacity Building: TMT-Capacity Building for Citizen-Led Transformation

Requesting Organization:

Federal Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (FMIT) -now the Federal Ministry of Transport and the Federal Ministry of Urban Development, Roads and Bridges.

Training providers:

Maastricht School of Management (MSM)

Training Fund

This project is part of the Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic.

Main Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries are both the Federal Ministry of Transport and the Federal Ministry of Urban Development, Roads and Bridges through the following implementation units:

    • Sudan National Railway Authority
    • Sudan Air
    • River Navigation Authority
    • National Ports Authority
    • Land Transport Authority
    • National Roads and Bridges Authority
    • The Supreme Council for Urban Development and Planning.
    • The National Fund for Housing and Reconstruction.

The goal of the training is to have an immediate impact on the trainees’ daily performance, equipping them with practical instruments that are ready to be applied directly to their place of work and more importantly to their part as task force leading the Ministry transformation Programme MTP (starting from formulation, planning and management). Thus, the training needs to focus less on the soft theoretical issues and more on practical and action-oriented learning.

For this reason, 2 “Think Lab” sessions are integrated. These “Think Labs” have the goal to interactively work on the planning and operationalization of a draft roadmap, a draft strategic plan and an operational plan, concluding this roadmap with skills that at end of the training equip participants with improved practical skills and competences for the design and management of KPI’s of this roadmap


The Tailor-made-Training TMT comprises 6 main course topics, divided over 5 sessions periods (lasting from 4 to 8 consecutive days)– to be spread over a 6 months’ span, complemented with 2 days working on the final interactive assignment (these 2 days are called “Think Lab days”). The closing Think Lab is planned within the last 2 months of the project duration.

The training is on practices of development project management and change management for senior civil servants (strategy) and middle management (Management) with no previous training in change management. Moreover, additional focus will be given to project planning, monitoring and financing

Mode of delivery:

All sessions are to be delivered online, a workshop for each session shall be set up locally at a central venue setting, suitable for video conferencing/ distant learning so that the trainees can interact with one another and strengthen their team building skills. The role of the training provider and local expert will be crucial to fill in the gaps identified in the progress towards the Think Labs sessions and to guide the distance group dynamics and interactive distance learning process.

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