SUDTT history

A group of Sudanese architects and engineers lead by Arch.Hashim Suliman Ibnauf met in late April 2019 and formed “Sudan Urban Development Initiative” (SUDI) with the aim to support Sudan Interim Transitional Government, and future elected governments, in the area related to Urban Development and Infrastructure.

Dalia Kamal

Hashim Ibnauf 

Solafa Aied

Urjwan Alkamil

Dec 2019

General Assembly vote

The General Assembly voted to transform SUDI to a Think-tank organisation entitled “Sudan Urban Development Think-Tank” and to have an elected Board of Directors and Executive Offices.

Feb 2020

SUDTT Bylaws

SUDTT Bylaws were ratified.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Mar 2020

Board of Directors & Executive Office

Five-person Board of Directors and Twenty Three strong Executive Office elected and office staffing completed.                                                                                                                                                                                 

Oct 2020

Official registration

Official registration with HAC in October 2020 as non-profit organisation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

how can we help you?

For press, membership or general inquires, Please contact us at: