our Governance 

SUDTT is a registered volunteer-led non-profit professional organisation with registration no. 8811. SUDTT is regulated by the Laws of Sudan [in specific Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) Laws].


SUDTT Organizational Structure

SUDTT has the following organizational structure in operation:

This represents SUDTT registered membership base locally and internationally. The rules governing the GA membership, roles and responsibilities are indicated in Articles 4 of SUDTT Bylaws.

The five-person Board of Directors is composed of Chairman, Deputy Chairwoman and three elected board members. The remit of the BoD is indicated in Articles 5 of SUDTT Bylaws.

The elected main Executive Officers (CEO, General Secretary and Finance Secretary). These main officers are supported by additional seven elected Executive Officers who are staffing SUDTT Executive Offices. The remit of the EXO is indicated in Articles 6 of SUDTT Bylaws.

These are highly technical and professional focus groups whose remit is to derive SUDTT areas of expertise. The members of the focus groups are also members of SUDTT. The remit of the Focus Groups is indicated in Articles 7 and 8 of SUDTT Bylaws.

Legal and Operational Framework

Part of SUDTT System of Governance; SUDTT operates under the following legal framework and enacts operational processes as follows:

  1. Legal Framework covering:
      • HAC Laws.

      • SUDTT Bylaws (internal).
  2. Operational Processes covering:
      • Planning and Business Development Process.
      • Technical (Project) Process.
      • Financial Management Policy Guideline and Process.
      • Communication Guidelines.
how can we help you?

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