Climate Change Security, Displacement and Resilience


To develop a structural framework and action plan for Sudan — Displacement Settlements, that can support and implement Resilient and Sustainable ‘Durable Solutions’, aligned with Ministry of Urban Development, Infrastructure and Transportation, as well as the Ministry of Labour & Social Development Visions


  • To investigate and document Displacement Patterns in Sudan.
  • To map and identify Displacement Drivers in Sudan.
  • To review the implementation and legislation of Displacement Policies and Legal Frameworks in Sudan.
  • To investigate and document the challenges and opportunities facing Displaced People in Sudan (social — economic — environmental – educational — political).
  • To explore existing regional and international models of Displacement Durable Solutions – Urban Context.
  • To develop a structural framework and action plan for Sudan – Displacement and Climate Security.

Patterns of Internal Displacement - Sudan (2003-2019)


With a total of tour million, Sudan still hosts the largest IDP population in Africa, followed by the DRC with three million. In Uganda, the number of IDPs nearly doubled during 2003 to reach 1.2 million by the end of the year.


Although the total number of IDPs has remained almost unchanged from the previous year, the continent again saw massive population movements during 2004. Sudan was the worst-hit country with an increase of over 1.6 million IDPs, bringing the total IDP populationthere to an unprecedented 5-6 million.


With well over 5 million IDPs, Sudan remained the country with the world's largest IDP population.


With 5 million IDPs, Sudan again topped the list of countries with the largest internally displaced populations.


The African continent hosted almost half of the global IDP population (127 million people) and the country with the highest number of IDPs (Sudan with 5.8 million) were forcibly displaced within Sudan's borders, in southern Sudan, Darfur and the capital Khartoum.


By the end of 2008, 4.9 million people in Sudan were displaced by the numerous conflicts which had affected the country for over two decades; together they made up the single largest internally displaced population in the world.


The largest internally displaced populations in the world at the end of 2009 were in Sudan (4.9 million) and in Colombia (3.3 million).


The region with the most IDPs was Africa, with 11 _ 1 million IDPs at the end of the year, or 40 per cent of the world's IDPs. Over 40 per cent of them were in Sudan (4,500,000-5,200,000).


Sudan was Africa's largest country until July 2011 (2,200,000 IDPs), when it was divided in two following the independence of South Sudan. It also had, until that point, one of the largest internally displaced populations in me world - between 4.5 and 52 million people at the end of 2010.


Sudan figure as of December 2012 includes 1,430,000 IDPs in camps in Darfur, at least 500,000 IDPs in South Kordofan, at least 120,000 IDPS in Blue Nile, 68,000 IDP in eastern Sudan (as of 2010). NO data on IDPs in and around Khartoum was available. 84,000 InternallyDisplaced by Disaster.


OCHA reported 2,426,729 IDPs as of December 2013. The figure includes 1.982488 in Darfur, 222,200 in south Kordofan, 176,566 in Blue Nile and 45,475 in other states, excluding Abyei. There were 49,000 returns reported in 2013.


OCHA reported 3,100, 000 as of 5 January 2015, including protracted and new displacement in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile. Only limited data on urban displacement as well as on durable solutions was available.


With Internal displacement estimate of 3.2million, Sudan is one of five countries accounted alone tor almost 40 per cent of the world's IDPs, or nearly 16 million people, as of December 2015.


With a total number of 3,300,000 , floods across various areas of Sudan in August displaced 123,000 people, including around 22,000 households whose homes were destroyed and a further 1 , 700 whose long-term housing was also destroyed in displacement camp in Nierteti in Central Darfur.


With Internal Displacement estimate of 2,072,000, Sudan is one of the ten countries with the highest number of people displaced as of the end of 2017


In the first half of 2019, about 29,000 new displacements were recorded, 21 ,OOO by conflict and 8,000 by disasters.

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