Occupational Safety and Health [OSH]

Occupational Safety and Health [OSH], is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and well-being of people in the work environment.

Occupational safety and health aim at three main objectives:

  • Improving workers’ health.
  • Improving the work environment.
  • Developing work systems and cultures.


Occupational health emerged in Sudan in 1948 with the issuance of the Workshops and Laboratories Law and the establishment of the Occupational Health Department at the Federal Ministry of Health in 1968.

The field witnessed a a remarkable development in the seventies, but despite its early inception, and with the expansion of agricultural and industrial activity. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration in Sudan was characterized by apparent weakness also confusion in the approved laws and policies, and the absence of political administration and strategic vision regarding the development of the Occupational Health and Safety Department, which was accompanied by a lack of resources directed, and the lack of scientific research in issues related to occupational health and safety. What the country has witnessed in the recent periods is a series of catastrophic accidents, such as the accidents of fires, rivers, pollution, and accidents of travel buses, planes and industrial facilities, which is a bell that warns of the recurrence of such tragic accidents in the event that their roots are not addressed.


With the Hopes of the Sudanese revolution and the availability of societal and political management, it was necessary to organize an urgent workshop for the relevant authorities in the management of occupational health and safety, to work on identifying priorities and developing an action plan for the management of occupational safety and health in the transitional period, so the workshop invited specialists and those interested in the field from the Government sector, employers, workers and researchers to participate in this workshop for the purpose of monitoring problems related to the management of occupational safety and health.

Determining emergency priorities and making recommendations regarding emergency solutions to be followed during the transitional government period. In addition to laying out features for short, medium, and long-term plans that pave the way for removing the effects of the policies of empowerment, corruption and mismanagement built and practiced by the previous regime.

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