Strengthening the Capacity of MoLSD Staff and its Partners to Enhance relevancy, provision, and Management of TVET Curricula and Programs for IDPs and Refugees

Requesting Organization

Ministry of Labour and Social Development (MoLSD)


Training Fund

This project is part of the Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic.


Training providers

Maastricht School of Management (MSM)


Main Beneficiaries

The Ministry of Labour and Social Development (MoLSD), through its following implementation units:

  • The Supreme Council for Vocational Training and Apprenticeship (SCVTA).
  • The Commission for Social Safety and Poverty Reduction (CSSPR).
  • The Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC).

Other MoLSD agencies significantly contributing to the project:

  • The General Directorate for Women and Family Affairs (GDWFA).
  • The General Directorate for Employment Policies (GDEP).
Purpose and Objective of the Training

The recent merger (2019) of the former Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Social Security and Development brought together the Supreme Council for Vocational Training and Apprenticeship (SCVTA), the Commission for Social Safety and Poverty Reduction (CSSPR), the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), the General Directorate for Women and Family Affairs (GDWFA) and the General Directorate for  Employment Policies (GDEP) among others, all under the unified leadership of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development (MoLSD). This presents a golden opportunity for MoLSD to better facilitate the collaboration of these agencies in order to generate a collective and integrated approach to vulnerable people assistance, including IDPs and refugees assistance, which can ensure their self-reliance and resilience; and can bring about more durable solutions through supporting their socioeconomic integration with host communities.

The overarching goal is to economically empower IDP and refugee women and men in Sudan among their host communities by improving their ability to find employment or establish and grow their businesses through expanding and improving market oriented, equitable and gender-balanced Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

Expected Outputs
  • Staff of MoLAR, primarily SCVTA capacitated in the area of strategic planning, partnership, project design and monitoring, risk management, and communication and networking
  • A multi-stakeholder platform on national level aimed and able to support and implement an integrated approach to refugee assistance, representing stakeholders in the training and education sectors, the labour market, industry, agriculture and rural development, public administration and humanitarian aid sector;
  • Shared opinions on the transition towards an increasingly integrated approach to IDP/refugee assistance, including an explicit focus on (TVET) education and employability
  • A framework (educational and organizational) for Agricultural vocational curricula that respond to needs, capacity and context of IDP/refugees, in particular youth and women.
  • An ICT driven agripreneurship training course for young refugees and host communities developed and piloted
  • An ICT information system/ platform/communication center available for IDPs/refugees to support easy access to information and resources related to TVET, and the entrepreneurship training course developed
  • Dissemination of lessons learned and materials developed to implementation partners, community members and representatives.
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